I hope that you have all been watching the latest episodes of the Norwegian drama series, State of Happiness, about the early days of the oil industry there. I worked out that this third series must have been set in and around 1988 as it was mentioned several times that […]
Yearly archives: 2024
A press release this week from Rystad Energy made me go all nostalgic for the good old days when doing things subsea was still new and exciting and Subsea Engineering News was the publication to go to when folks in the industry wanted more than the few crumbs from that […]
In the classic late 1960’s film The Graduate, a friend of the father of the eponymous hero, played by Dustin Hoffman, tells him if he has one word of advice for him it is ‘plastics’. ‘There is a great future in plastics’, Benjamin Braddock is told, a line said with […]
I don’t always believe everything that appears in oilfield rags, but Upstream is one of the mostly reliable ones. So the item that appeared last week about Chevron planning to sell off its remaining UK North Sea assets and exit the sector, made some sense, but also made me go […]
Here is a proposition that most of you would not consider unless asked after multiples drinks/pints in the pub: who would be a politician nowadays? Now I have no time for the current UK government. The best thing one can say about Rishi Sunak is that he is not Boris […]
The Global Underwater Hub (GUH), the organisation formerly known as Subsea UK, is in a bit of a quandary. GUH, an industry facilitator and promoter, wants to be all things to all people. It wants to promote the energy transition and the move towards offshore wind and hydrogen production as […]
The trouble with getting going again is that I am like the Energizer Bunny – wind me up and I don’t stop. Following on my point yesterday about ExxonMobil ‘spiking’, ie killing, its research teams’ work on hydrocarbon production and consumption in the late 1970’s, it has been revealed that […]
Hello – again. Sorry to have been away so long. Health issues in the last year have kept my usually loud voice silent. All is mostly better now and I am back at my keyboard. I hope this is a good thing for you. Tell me and I will (may) […]