With the COP26 climate-change summit taking place in Glasgow next month, everyone and their uncle is trying to show their commitment to the energy transition, net zero and generally making a difference. This is at least trying to stop the world from reaching the catastrophic 2oC increase in temperature which […]
Yearly archives: 2021
As an industry observer, it is possible to be safe from criticism. I do not have to take any decisions. I can simply wait for others to step on a banana peel and then, either stroke my chin in contemplation or laugh. To wit, while some believe themselves to be […]
I really can not let Bil Loth’s passing be finished with a single commentary. There just had to be more. Yesterday my wife Jane and I went to his ‘remembrance’ gathering. What else would you call an event when many of your friends, colleagues and most of your family gather […]
If life throws you a break, you get to meet and be friends with a special person. Bil Loth was one for me. Unfortunately the ‘was’ is intended as Bil passed away this morning at the relatively young age of 81. So very sad. He was a one-off – do […]
Thirty two years ago, in the aftermath of the Piper Alpha platform accident in which 167 UK offshore workers died, I was asked by New Scientist magazine to write an article about the future of offshore production. The question which was asked was, could offshore oil and gas production be […]
There were two announcements of note last week. Firstly, the proposed Global Underwater Hub will supercede, replace and absorb Subsea UK and secondly that the National Subsea Research Institute will now be absorbed into Subsea UK before the Hub arrangements are finalised. These are not before time. The UK offshore […]
I have to admit that this pandemic has not been great for creativity and thought. It might have seemed the opposite – lots of time to mull and consider and no shortage of ideas. It has, though, been enervating – energy sapped, no enthusiasm, worry about family and friends and […]